Dé Céadaoin 17 Deireadh Fómhair 2012
Coder Dojo- Coders??!!!
Táimíd ag iarraidh Cumann Coder Dojo a bhunú sa cheantar chun scileanna a mhúineadh
don t-Aos óg . Má tá aithne agat ar éinne le scileanna ríomhaireachta
, a bheadh sásta uair a thabhairt do na páistí gach Satharn, cuir scéal chugainn láithreach.
Following on the Computer successes of Muinteoir Aodh's Rang 6 pupils, we are trying to establish a Coder Dojo Computer Skills (google 'coderedojo')Club for children in Cabra, to teach Computer programming skills.
Do you know anybody with Computer Coding Skills who would be willing to give up an hour every Saturday to teach children. We have the resources and the energy- we need coders. Can you help??!!