Dé Céadaoin 19 Deireadh Fómhair 2011


Bhi craic maith againn ar an turas go dti Sonairte ine le Muinteoir Sean.
Fuaireamar turas timpeall an gairdin le Geraldine agus bhiomar ag ithe leitis, ponairi agus blathanna.
We had great fun on our trip to Sonairte yesterady.
We got a wonderful tour of the organic garden with Geraldine and we were eating organic lettuce, beans and edible flowers!
Chuamar ar siúlóid Dúlra cois na habhna agus nuair a tháinig me arais bh an cat ag ithe mo lón- bhi me ar buile!
We then went on a lovely Nature walk by the banks of the river, but when I returned the cat was eating my lunch!!
Bhi la iontach againn agus d'fhoghlaim me an chuid !