Bhí la iontach ag gach duine ag Feile an tSamhraidh le déanaí- bhí caislean leim, barbecue , karaoke agus go leor leor eile.
Bhí craic maith ann agus chuidigh se go mór le saol na scoile. Go raibh maith do na tuismitheoirí ar fad a thug cuidiú chun an féile a eagrú.
A great day was had by all at the Summer Feile in the school recently. On a lovely Summer's day we had plenty entertainment with bouncy castles, stalls, clowns, Tae Kwon Do and much ceol agus craic. The Feile is a very important day in the life of the school and creates a terrific community atmosphere. Go raibh maith agat to all those on the parents Coisde

who put in so much work to make it such a successful day.