Fuaireamar dea-scéal inne go mbeidh An Roinn Oideachais ag tógáil scoil nua dúinn!
Tá áthas an domhain ar gach duine mar táimid ag fanacht 16 bhliain ach a dhéanfaidh Lusai Luch anois?! Ni bheidh aon teach aici!!
Dúirt an Roinn go dtosnóidh an obair tógála i 2014 agus táimid ag súil go mór leis.
The children, staff and parents are busy celebrating the great news that we are receiving a permanent school building, which is due recognitiuon of the hard work done in the area , particularly by the Coisde Buan . Credit is also due to various individuals and a number of politicians in the area who have tirelssly supported our campaign over the last sisxteem years. Cabrach Abú!